Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One Million Toys Challenge

With the sales of $20.5 billion toys being bought in the US last year , one can imagine what is the percentage of the sales through the holiday season? And the value costs of toys that get stored further back in the closets to make room for the new ones. In the times we are living in now with unemployment rates at its high, retail sales declining, global warming affecting our environment, what missions can we take in life to better ourselves, family, and the environment? Personally I don't have all the answers but one thing I can suggest is setting positive goals and work everyday to fulfill them.

Keeping that in mind, I am proposing "One Million Toys" a place where everyone can posts their unwanted toys for trade. An opportunity for other parents or kids to trade with one another all across America, a effective way to save $$ in your pockets from this tough economy and to help families in need.

Be part of history and post your toys today!
